Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, known in Japan as Biohazard 3: Last Escape (バイオハザード3 ラストエスケープ?), is a survival horror video game and the sequel to Resident Evil 2, developed and published by Capcom. The game was released for the PlayStation, and was subsequently ported to the Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows and Nintendo GameCube. The game is also available for download on the PlayStation Network for use with the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable.
The first half of the game occurs 24 hours prior to Resident Evil 2 and the second half takes place nearly two days after. The storyline expands upon the settings and events of the T-virus outbreak in Raccoon City, and concludes with the fate of the city and its infected population.
A new feature to gameplay is the Nemesis, an experimental type of Tyrant (an upgrade to the previous game's T-103) programmed by Umbrella to hunt down and kill the remaining STARS members. He can run, use a rocket launcher as a weapon, dodge incoming fire, and is capable of pursuing the player from one area to the next. Nemesis is encountered multiple times throughout the game as a recurring boss. A variety of encounters are possible, with some being mandatory, and some varying in nature and location based on choices made by the player. Even if defeated in combat, Nemesis will inevitably continue pursuit of Jill.
In a departure from series' conventions, the player cannot choose between two playable characters from the beginning. Instead, Jill is the sole selectable character, with another character named Carlos also being controllable for a brief portion of the main game.
Resident Evil 3 incorporates a dodge move that allows the player to quickly avoid enemy attacks. Stair climbing is also streamlined: whereas in previous Resident Evil titles characters were required to press the action button to ascend or descend a staircase, Resident Evil 3 allows the player to use a staircase by walking directly onto it. The "quick 180 degree turn" was introduced in this game, and has become a mainstay of the series.
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