Facebook is a one of the greatest social media to share things and to connecting with friends and many other peoples. Facebook is a great place for internet marketing and also a great place for generating online income. Due increase in daily users every person on Facebookworried about there account protection. So to protect your  account or to increase securityyou have to read my article written on Increase protection and also of Account security.
Mostly every person who use internet in day to day life always use Facebook to share their feeling and views with people. We update status to express views in public. I have written on many Facebook tricks related to status update like update fake status or empty status.
But on other side in privacy we use Facebook chat to  talk with peoples. we use chat for fun and also for business purpose in private. So to express your feeling in different way in chat box. 

Now here is another tricks about using your any picture in  Facebook chat box. 

  • Firstly  open this in new window http://smileychatcodes.com/facebook-smiley-chat-codes/
  • Now browse any picture from your computer.
  • Then select and upload your picture.
  • Now it takes few secs  then your picture will convert into chat codes.
  • Now copy codes show in box.
  • Then paste copy code into chat box.and you have done.


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